Cultural Worldviews that Deceive Christians

Proponents of each of these worldviews claim that scripture support their premise. However, their reasoning soon departs from the biblical theme in one or more areas.

Existentialism - "Life has no meaning other than what I give it based on my here and now needs. So no one can tell me how to live."

True, God is concerned about our present "situation of life". People who embrace this view eventually depart from Scriptural teachings regarding Who Decides What's Right or Wrong?


Nihilism - "Life is nothing of real value"; "so remove all restrictions and let me live"; "get off my back and outta my face"; "all authority is bad"

True, this life is meaningless ....without Christ. One of Jesus' apostles counted his life without Christ as "dung" (feces). To embrace Nihilism is to depart from the Scriptural teachings about God's Love and the true Origin of Evil.


Hedonism - "Life is short"; "I must get all the pleasure I can out of it"; "I define value in people, events, etc.. by how much fun they are to me"

True, life "in time" as compared to eternity is extremely short. People who embrace Hedonism depart from Scriptural teachings regarding the role of Flesh (feelings) and Signs (experience).


Humanism - "Life is intended to be lived to help other humans"; "we are to make the world a better place by trying to improve the quality of life for all".

True, God wants us to show love to the world and subdue the earth. People who embrace this view will eventually depart from the Scriptural teachings about the source of righteousness.


Transcendentalism - "All that exist is spiritual in nature"; "God is not a personal being, but an impersonal force that is in all living things, including humans. Thus all is one."

True, all of nature reveals the reality of God's existence. People who embrace this view will eventually depart from Scriptural teachings about the Essence of Things vs. a Purposeful, Sentient and Powerful God.